
■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50

1 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2006/03/11(土) 17:54:32 ID:ifEbtva6

                                  iヽ、    /~ヽ
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       夏 へ の 扉                / /       '`i::ヽ'- ,,
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                                i  i :ヮ  :  ノ~.:/:::::::i:::::i
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                                 !, i   ...: : :::::::::::::::::::::i''''''''''`)
                                ヽ ヽ      :::::::::::::::,i''''''''''~
  原作:ロバート・A・ハインライン 1957         i('''''''ヽ/'''''''ヽ"".:::,)/
                                  ''```~ `’’’' ''''''''''
∧ ∧
(メ゚д゚) sage進行

9 :DGFB8RjDBG:2017/02/23(木) 02:34:29 ID:HeRP6RXA
Are you an idiot Monty? I have not heard at all that Peterson &#ef&6;scof28d1#8217; at the woman, where’d you read that? Read it right you idiot. Respect AP, the vikings can suck it though. I love the GB Pack, but comon’, you have to respect AP.


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0ch BBS 2007-01-24