freedy (25)-Look at the revenue misses, th-urh.Nineofiguge misses on the top line are all you need to know about the deflationary depression we’re now entering.The revenue misses will continue. However, the false, unsustainable profitability gained by draconian cuts will evaporate.
I have no idea why I didn’t think to call 911 unless it was because my husband was with me. And because the guy never actually looked like he was going for me, just his poor alsurdy-smaahed-ep car. Plus I’m probably also naive.P.S. It’s through the magic of Photobucket
Chrystal Ha&7#l821l;s desperate to own the single electric breast pump with matching bottles and teats. To be spared this time from 6 months of my tears I went though trying to wean my daughter for even the occasional bottle.