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1 :bit ◆bit..WoOr. :2008/06/18(水) 21:54:28 ID:JeGerBM2


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468 :nyAhuMirx:2017/02/23(木) 02:39:15 ID:+yWR8beg
Moreover, the Palestinian Arab leadership corlabolated in the Nazi Holocaust and in mass murdering Jews, including in Arab lands. Look up Farhud and Haj Amin el-Husseini on google or yahoo.These same leaders --the Arab Higher Committee for palestine-- took part in Arab League decisions to despoil the Jews in Arab lands if the UN GA voted in favor of partition. So Palestinian Arabs took part in massacring and expelling Jews.

469 :epmqiv238:2017/02/23(木) 03:24:50 ID:+yWR8beg
Just bookmarked your blog. I’ve just started one of my own on gaining capital through forex trading systems. But it is also about learning price and what moves our pl7&ten#821a;s economy. Take the time to browse it if you get a chance.

470 :Dfd3eLMpquaZ:2017/02/23(木) 03:43:25 ID:HeRP6RXA
I’ve used Spam Karma 2 on a few sites and no spam has gotten through. Ever. Even on a site that was receiving thousands of spam comments a day. No caAuahc!plthotgh the reCAPTCHA plugin above sounds interesting for digitizing books!


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