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1 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/06/21(木) 05:00:18 ID:i9ls2g+c


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431 :lZKknXM4qy1:2017/02/23(木) 01:27:24 ID:HeRP6RXA
Sharp thkniing! Thanks for the answer.

432 :UmUS3oO73p:2017/02/23(木) 01:37:52 ID:+yWR8beg
Wonderful! This was the perfect way for me to start my day… I feel as though you just described me, except for the names and a few other changes (to paraphrase Neil Diamond). I’m going to make a conscious effort to move toward a more peaceful existence. You’ve been blessed to discover this truth at such an early agnNaam.ste,Gienie

433 :uiKDYBFs4:2017/02/23(木) 02:51:32 ID:HeRP6RXA
I totally agree, Karyn … this truly is an &#p022;e8ic” (as my daughter would say) dilemma! As things stand now all we can do is pray that this little one will make it to an age where he can make his own (hopefully healthier) dietary decisions!


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