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AAUGの裏 投書箱
- 1 :◆Null..QJiQ :2007/01/10(水) 21:41:54 ID:qBF89ctk
- 投稿者登録の話やら外観の話やら書式の話やら内容の話をお願いします。
- 44 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/08/09(木) 02:16:24 ID:KZTOFQDc
- 今気が付いたんだが、http://aaug.s203.xrea.com/blog/2007/01/post.html とかに
- 45 :◆Null..QJiQ :2007/08/09(木) 19:26:14 ID:e2b3iIQs
- >>42
- 46 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/08/09(木) 19:32:25 ID:J4SXdEk6
- とりあえず当該記事コメント封鎖してみた
- 47 :◆Null..QJiQ :2007/08/09(木) 19:36:29 ID:e2b3iIQs
- >>42
- 48 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/08/09(木) 19:38:10 ID:J4SXdEk6
- 把握しましたです。
- 49 :42:2007/08/09(木) 23:53:02 ID:p5SFg4wY
- コメント整理お疲れ様です
- 50 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/08/11(土) 19:54:12 ID:CAh+ChZk
- >>47
- 51 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/10/17(水) 00:34:42 ID:tGk9w3dQ
- Vista用のフォントのパッチだけど、MSGOTHIC.TTCにもあてられるんだっけ?
- 52 :◆Null..QJiQ :2007/10/18(木) 21:58:39 ID:srzUt84+
- >>51
- 53 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/10/19(金) 21:20:40 ID:pkMyhf1+
- オッ(・∀ ・)ツー
- 54 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/10/20(土) 13:46:31 ID:woCnpY9+
- ■いろいろと上手くいってない人へ。
フォントフォルダ内の「MS Pゴシック(Ture type)」とフォントフォルダ外の「MSPgothic.ttf」は同じモノってことは
- 55 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/10/20(土) 14:28:24 ID:7fZY9Aq2
- おや? >>52ってフォント名リネーム用のパッチじゃなかったん?
- 56 :( ´∀)・∀),,゚Д)さん:2007/10/20(土) 15:03:09 ID:woCnpY9+
- あーごめん、俺勘違いしてたわ
- 57 :◆Null..QJiQ :2007/10/20(土) 22:27:32 ID:usbClTjM
- こっちでvista環境を用意できないせいでvista環境下でのフォントファイルの挙動を把握できてないから
- 58 :XRumerTest:2013/03/30(土) 03:19:57 ID:yDe7hB2k
- Hello. And Bye.
- 59 :XRumerTest:2013/04/01(月) 03:51:49 ID:oG1F5mFw
- Hello. And Bye.
- 60 :XRumerTest:2013/04/02(火) 23:23:29 ID:gfv+XgiE
- Hello. And Bye.
- 61 :XRumerTest:2013/04/05(金) 13:02:33 ID:SIFfMzuk
- Hello. And Bye.
- 62 :XRumerTest:2013/04/07(日) 20:35:31 ID:r24Y1QQM
- Hello. And Bye.
- 63 :XRumerTest:2013/04/08(月) 00:59:07 ID:Bt87e0P6
- Hello. And Bye.
- 64 :XRumerTest:2013/04/09(火) 17:45:02 ID:kRFZXDMs
- Hello. And Bye.
- 65 :XRumerTest:2013/05/07(火) 05:28:18 ID:qN22sjZk
- Hello. And Bye.
- 66 :XRumerTest:2013/05/08(水) 16:04:01 ID:f133G7wA
- Hello. And Bye.
- 67 :happyykfs:2013/06/22(土) 15:10:13 ID:6Tw683d2
Have confidence in all by yourself, be ready, think positively and relax.
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needed graph and or chart within the chart offers a quantity of prime level sizing's, for instance origin
- 68 :psF4oqjlYLK:2016/05/17(火) 05:14:44 ID:839JyA3s
- la civilta’ del petrolio e’ la piu’ grande oscenita’ mai apparsa ne1&l#82l7;universo.quando tutto questo scempio automobilistico sara’ finito, e torneremo a vivere nei limiti della natura, purtoppo ci restera’ l’eredita’ pesantissima di questa follia collettiva… il collasso degli ecosistemi, da cui non ci riprenderemo mai piu per il resto della storia di questo pianeta.
- 69 :Mo8O5heEaFO:2016/05/17(火) 08:30:26 ID:1GfkJXc6
- It's a pleasure to find such rattlnaoiiy in an answer. Welcome to the debate.
- 70 :lkLyt8iqkCzh:2016/05/17(火) 09:05:34 ID:vYQbwCG6
- Big help, big help. And surailetpve news of course.
- 71 :4gCOuW3RU2:2016/05/17(火) 09:10:10 ID:vYQbwCG6
- You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful aritlces.
- 72 :03EzTNeVr:2016/05/17(火) 09:10:53 ID:839JyA3s
- I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it's free? Awsmeoe!
- 73 :NNMjLilP:2016/05/17(火) 09:14:55 ID:1GfkJXc6
- All of these articles have saved me a lot of heasached.
- 74 :vHhkU7gewoEq:2016/05/17(火) 09:15:46 ID:vYQbwCG6
- Hey, good to find sonmoee who agrees with me. GMTA.
- 75 :9K2HvA4lL4l:2016/05/17(火) 09:18:27 ID:839JyA3s
- In awe of that anwrse! Really cool!
- 76 :TQtpZKJcbUV:2016/05/17(火) 09:18:32 ID:vYQbwCG6
- Your post captures the issue petlecrfy!
- 77 :XZkM4Qt2WBzq:2016/05/17(火) 09:45:27 ID:vYQbwCG6
- Hello! This post cou21nld7;t be written much better! Reading this particular post reminds me personally of my own old area mate! He always kept chatting about this. I can forward this page to your ex. Fairly certain he’ll have a fantastic read. Thank a person for expressing!
- 78 :tRtxn0qR:2016/05/17(火) 10:20:11 ID:1GfkJXc6
- Very nice review Joe!Im ready to join Guilt Wars 2 nohuwWo!ld you think a good idea to re-review some older mmos that are now free and have improved over the passing of time such as Star Trek, or DC Univerce online? It would be really helpfull to new players I think.I would really like to see that.
- 79 :Uh8hftII:2016/05/17(火) 10:21:14 ID:vYQbwCG6
- I agree that we should stay on point here and address the global Negro problem. All other races are welcome in my home, because in general I’m welcome in theirs. I served two tours in the Marine’s during the Desert Storm era. All races were squared away and got along grx0&t#823a;eecept for the Negro’s. Joe, thanks for the info, and you are spot on from my research. I’m Googling your tips now…
- 80 :HmSg99Sh13p:2016/05/17(火) 10:36:03 ID:839JyA3s
- Funny, I’m looking for one too. I have La&81men#c2o7;s Declaring Indigo from a while back but it’s pretty shimmery… I want both a matte navy and a matte true blue. If I find something I’ll holla at you!
- 81 :LdXD9ZKgL:2017/02/23(木) 01:37:05 ID:HeRP6RXA
- Wanted to drop a comment and let you know your Rss feed isnt funniioctng today. I tried adding it to my Yahoo reader account and got nothing.
- 82 :pctLMg7w73D:2017/02/23(木) 01:37:59 ID:HeRP6RXA
- He’s very young isn’t he? Write??? I notice that his handwriting is really not bad already, altho’ I wouldn’t quite expect one of his age to be able to write quite as wei2g#8l30;.ll&hten up on that, lah. Might not be fully ready yet, those little muscles. Read – yeah, that might be more it. ;D – []
- 83 :wLyfj5GA:2017/02/23(木) 01:44:05 ID:+yWR8beg
- That really cauperts the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
- 84 :sTsokYA3xAk:2017/02/23(木) 01:56:17 ID:HeRP6RXA
- Surspiringly well-written and informative for a free online article.
- 85 :aSwIqq8ad0:2017/02/23(木) 01:58:00 ID:HeRP6RXA
- I think you hit a busellye there fellas!
- 86 :iVE0PCPepxAl:2017/02/23(木) 02:22:41 ID:HeRP6RXA
- Walkmans!!! I hadn't thought of those in a while. I'm feeling a lot more sympathetic for jr highers reading all these posts. It really is such an awkward inbetween stage even in the best of cisacmrtcnues.
- 87 :arhSddD0Fb:2017/02/23(木) 02:48:53 ID:HeRP6RXA
- SOunds like a lot of opetiounitrps for the right people.I once knew a fellow who opened a car dealership near a prison. Almost all his help was on work release. He never had a labor shortage.
- 88 :s58eJKq242:2017/02/23(木) 03:32:55 ID:+yWR8beg
- Green on green dish. Maybe you could have called a Grinch salad? Peoslnarly I think the salad looks very appetizing as is but some sundried tomatoes or chopped red pepper for color. Then it could be a Christmas pasta salad with the red and green ;o)
- 89 :SmNwMTBlVyI:2017/02/23(木) 03:44:30 ID:HeRP6RXA
- So glad to hear you enjoyed it! I'm very much looking forward to the new one in April. :) Great review! I think the spark is exactly why I enjoyed it so much. That and Ha9tyelr;s snarky personality.
- 90 :XRumerTest:2017/03/18(土) 17:18:04 ID:J3f04w26
- Hello. And Bye.
- 91 :XRumerTest:2017/03/26(日) 00:37:37 ID:hAUX4XOo
- Hello. And Bye.
- 92 :XRumerTest:2017/03/29(水) 13:02:15 ID:I2a89Igw
- Hello. And Bye.
- 93 :XRumerTest:2017/04/03(月) 06:05:52 ID:jUysdneo
- Hello. And Bye.
- 94 :XRumerTest:2017/04/08(土) 12:55:37 ID:MUKWAW6c
- Hello. And Bye.
- 95 :XRumerTest:2017/04/16(日) 04:31:48 ID:1JVXOM6g
- Hello. And Bye.
- 96 :XRumerTest:2017/04/16(日) 05:37:16 ID:1JVXOM6g
- Hello. And Bye.
- 97 :XRumerTest:2017/04/21(金) 12:48:31 ID:qGhGcnUI
- Hello. And Bye.
- 98 :XRumerTest:2017/04/21(金) 13:45:42 ID:qGhGcnUI
- Hello. And Bye.
- 99 :XRumerTest:2017/05/02(火) 22:25:13 ID:meCn9UQI
- Hello. And Bye.
- 100 :XRumerTest:2017/05/16(火) 15:16:17 ID:Z1gXr3LQ
- Hello. And Bye.
- 101 :XRumerTest:2017/07/06(木) 21:06:15 ID:ZygP+QUk
- Hello. And Bye.
- 102 :XRumerTest:2017/07/06(木) 22:58:53 ID:ZygP+QUk
- Hello. And Bye.
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